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About Me

Hello! I’m Kat

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

After seeing how much nutrition impacted my performance and recovery growing up in figure skating and Taekwondo, I went into nutrition studies with the hope of having the “perfect diet”. I worried about food quality, buried myself in any nutrition information I could find (some not so reputable), spent hours food and meal planning, counted every single calorie I consumed at times, and had a fear of eating “bad” foods that would contribute to sickness. I feared losing control of my intake and just wanted to be healthy. My intake was rooted in hopeful perfection and I hoped that becoming a dietitian would help me have the “perfect” dietary intake I desired.

Thankfully, ~2013 (when I was still a student) another student was talking about a book she was reading that was changing her mind about how she approached nutrition. It sounded interesting, so I decided to head over to a second-hand bookstore and bought my first copy of Intuitive Eating. I devoured the book as fast as I could and bought the audio version so I could listen to it on my trips home from uni.

While I wasn’t ready to completely give up my control around “healthy” and “unhealthy” foods the first couples times I went through the book, I listened with a desire to have the freedom mentioned throughout. Fast forward almost a decade later and I can say that I’ve not only healed my relationship with food, but I truly have deconstructed all the toxic, confusing, and guilt-promoting feelings I once had about food and nutrition. Food and eating is a joyous and nourishing event in more ways than physically, and I love being able to guide people to similar food freedom and nourishment.

Nutrition recommendations require nuance. My job as a dietitian and nutrition coach is to come alongside the client and guide them into finding, building, and strengthening their healthy relationship with food while supporting their physical, mental, and social well-being whether it’s for sport performance, digestive health, prenatal care, or just leaving toxic diet culture. I LOVE MY JOB.

My Approach & Values

  • Health is blend physical, mental, social, and emotional well-being.
  • Mental, emotional, and social well-being are equally important as physical well-being.
  • If we’re doing actions that support physical health, but cause harm to other aspects of health, it’s not healthy or sustainable.  
  • All foods can fit into a health-promoting/supporting intake.
  • The Social Determinants of Health are economic and social conditions that influence health status and should be incorporated into actionable coaching plans.
  • The client knows more about their body than the coach.
  • The coach is there to listen, support, and guide a client, not to force their own agenda on the client.
  • Healthcare is a right, not a privilege. Unfortunately, in the US, it does become a privilege. To do my part, I provide 2-3 pro-bono/sliding scale spots at one time in my client load. I do pay for childcare and have limited resources to fund more at this time. 


Past Experience

  • Clinical Dietitian in a Regional Hospital
      • Assessed & implemented nutrition plans in ICU and med/surge patients
  • Dietitian at a Private Practice Clinic
      • Covered clinical nutrition, disordered eating, and sports nutrition
  • Corporate Wellness
      • Ran health fairs, seminars, and employee nutrition/health counseling

My Credentials & Certifications

  • Registered Dietitian Nutritionist; Texas A&M University graduate & Oakwood University graduate
  • Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics
  • Licensed Dietitian
  • National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC)
  • Certified Personal Trainer
  • Precision Nutrition Level 2 Certified Master Coach

My doctor’s office was of little or no help with my IBS. I knew that if I was going to feel better without taking medication that actually did not help, I would need to find a solution. The nurse practitioner did mention the low FODMAP diet, but said it was very hard to follow. My research of the diet led me to Monash University and Kat is certified in the low FODMAP diet for IBS in my area. The additional ease of meeting on Zoom especially during COVID was very attractive and convenient.

– Pat

I loved that Kat was so patient with me when it came to figuring out the cause of my digestive problems. We eliminate certain foods and quickly found the issues! I’m not more aware of the labels and try to eat as natural as possible.

– Myesha

I loved my coaching! I thought it gave me the guidance I craved while giving me grace by emphasizing how food makes me feel mentally and physically. I finally feel like I know how to fuel my body and I no longer stress about food like I used to because I know I have the information I need to make good choices I can feel good about both mentally and physically.

Ashley F.

I really loved how you helped me reframe my thinking about food. I've never had a healthy relationship with food. Diet culture + a mom with an eating disorder made for bad role models. Now that I'm not viewing foods as "good" or "bad," I'm actually making healthier choices.


When asked if there were any specific things about the way we worked together they found particularly useful: "There were so many! There was learning how to slow down and enjoy food. Think about how it tastes, the textures, the smell, the look. Take time to eat. There was learning to forgive myself when I messed up and had a bad meal. Also starting over the next meal, no the next day or the next week. There was being compassionate to myself and that it’s not all strict. All foods can fit within a healthy lifestyle. I appreciated that you didn’t judge me when I didn’t do well and you were excited with me when I did good. I feel like you really care and really wanted to help and educate. You made adjustments to my program when needed. This wasn’t a cookie cutter program, it was truly tailored to me."


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